
Avocado Tree

Kenya is ranked the eighth globally in production of avocados in 2021 and the second largest avocado exporter in Africa, from South Africa.
Avocados are a great source of Vitamins C, E, K, B-6 and are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Main areas where avocados are grown include the central Highlands of Kenya mainly Meru, muranga, embu, Thika and Nyeri areas. Other areas include Kisii, riftvalley.
Peak seasons for avocado’s in Kenya is between March to September. However due to different climatic conditions in Kenya, we have avocados available all year round with less production during the Off season.

Fuerte Avocado

-Fuertes avocados are well known for its smooth, medium – thin skin that peels easily.

Hass Avocado

Hass avocados are the highest demanded avocados in the world and are recognised by its hard, rough thick skin, and has a yellow pulp.

Our avocados are packaged in 4kgs & 10 kgs and can be shipped both by air & by sea.


Apple Mango

Apple Mangoes

61% of Kenya apple Mangoes come from the arid Eastern region, followed by Rift Valley producing 30% and coastal region at 28%.
Apple Mangoes have a smooth, thin skin and the flesh is yellow and juicy. The fruit is free from fibres and it melts in the mouth.

Fruit peak season - October to March.

Kent Mangoes

Kent Mangoes are large, oval with dark green skin and sometimes with a dark red blush.
They are excellent for juicing as their flesh is juicy & less fibrous.

Fruit peak season – December to February.

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